Home » Over 60% of Romanians Believe Their Country Deserves Full Admission to Schengen, Is Blocked by Some Countries for Economic Reasons
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Over 60% of Romanians Believe Their Country Deserves Full Admission to Schengen, Is Blocked by Some Countries for Economic Reasons

Almost two-thirds of Romanians (60.1%) believe their country has met all the criteria for admission to the Schengen area by land, but some European countries are blocking it for economic reasons, according to the latest survey conducted by the INSCOP polling agency. A total of 30.1% of respondents are of the opposite opinion, and 9.8% did not know or did not answer.

The opinion that Romania has met all the criteria but is held back by some EU Member States is shared by 67% of men, 54% of women, 62% of young people aged 18 to 29, 52% of people aged 30 to 44, 58% of those aged 45 to 59, and 67% of respondents over 60. This notion is also expressed by 42% of people with primary education, 63% of those with secondary education, and 61% of those with higher education, as well as by 55% of those with low and very low incomes, 60% of people with middle incomes, and 68% of those with high and very high incomes.

INSCOP CEO Remus Stefureac said that people’s frustration with this issue remains considerable and is fully justified, given that neither the blocking of access to the Schengen area for years nor the partial accession are credibly explained by the few countries that are hostile towards Romania. This perception is reinforced by the fact that only one country – Austria – is currently blocking land-border Schengen accession, he added.

The opinion poll was conducted between April 12 and 20 via telephone interviews. It included 1,100 people from different socio-demographic backgrounds, aged 18 and over. The maximum margin of error for the survey is ± 2.95%.

Source: BTA
